So, we've all asked the question lately, "Where did the summer go?" I hope this post will answer that question as far as the Sowards family is concerned. We have had a wonderful summer, full of activities and FUN! And although we would enjoy a few more weeks of summer, we are getting excited about going back to school.
Here are Conner and Brady with their awards at the end of the school year.
Conner's Class - Ready for summer!

Brady's Class - Excited to be out of school!

We finished our 4th year of AWANA at Carolina Baptist Church. It has been such a blessing not only to our church but also to our family. Our boys have already learned more scripture than either of their parents...although we have learned more than I would have imagined just listening to them quote theirs. Each year at the AWANA awards program, a boy and a girl from each club is chosen as "Clubber of the Year." We were so proud when both Conner and Brady received the award for their respective clubs!!

Brady, Allie, Amy and Conner

Landon and Brady

Gooooooo, Sandgnats!

The second week of summer was spent at VBS. This year's theme was High Seas Expedition.

We are so thankful for my Grandmother, who makes it possible to take this trip each summer.

This year we had fun watching all of the children (and some of the adults) jump from Chicken Rock and what we named as Chicken Little Rock.

This tube contains all of Grandmother's 11 great-grandchildren, minus 2 - Peyton and Lydia.
This summer we also made many trips to Destin to the Rave theater to see their free movie. We saw "Ice Age 3," "Astroboy," "Planet 51," and "Hotel for Dogs." We went out for lunch and would then head down to the beach for some fun in the sun. Despite all the talk of the oil spill, we never missed a beat and never really saw any oil to speak of.
Playing on the splash pad and playground at Destin Commons

Conner, Brady, Katy, Emory and Aubry

We finished up our official week of summer with lots of swimming. Here are a couple of pics from the Carolina Baptist Church Kids End of Summer Splash!

Brady's Class - Excited to be out of school!

The week after school was out, we took a day trip down to Destin with lots of friends from AES.

We finished our 4th year of AWANA at Carolina Baptist Church. It has been such a blessing not only to our church but also to our family. Our boys have already learned more scripture than either of their parents...although we have learned more than I would have imagined just listening to them quote theirs. Each year at the AWANA awards program, a boy and a girl from each club is chosen as "Clubber of the Year." We were so proud when both Conner and Brady received the award for their respective clubs!!

Brady, Allie, Amy and Conner

A special event of the summer was the celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Hubble's Granddaddy and Granny Harrell. Here is a picture of many, but not all of the Harrell clan.

One of our fun outings this summer was a trip to the Montgomery Biscuits game. Along with our friends, the Kelleys, we loaded up our kids and didn't tell them where we were going. They didn't know until we pulled up to the parking lot at the stadium. They were thrilled! It was a great game - the Biscuits won in extra innnings!!!
Mason and Conner

Brady and Conner both played baseball this year and finished up in the month of June. Brady played once again for the Sandgnats and had a wonderful time.

Although Conner's team, the Phillies, struggled throughout the season, they learned a lot and actually ended up winning their last two games. In fact, in the next to the last game they ended up beating the #1 team in the league. Go Phillies!! Here are some pics from Conner's last game, which he played against the Pleasant Home team, the Rays.

The second week of summer was spent at VBS. This year's theme was High Seas Expedition.

One Sunday afternoon in June, Hubble and the boys and I travelled to the Boardwalk in Ft. Walton Beach. We had found out about a free concert by Kenny Loggins that was being held to attract tourism that was being affected by the oil spill. Since Hubble and I have always been big Kenny Loggins fans, we were excited to see and hear him.

In July, we took a family vacation with the Kelley family to Panama City Beach. We stayed at Sunnyside and had a wonderful time. We spent lots of time at the pool and on the beach. We went to Big Kahunas, went to see Karate Kid, celebrated Hubble's 36th birthday and enjoyed our family time together!

The Jacobs family took its 11th annual trip to Lake Martin July 16-18. We stayed at Burke Cove, a change from the place we had been for the past 10 years. We had a great time and are already looking forward to next year.

This year we had fun watching all of the children (and some of the adults) jump from Chicken Rock and what we named as Chicken Little Rock.

This tube contains all of Grandmother's 11 great-grandchildren, minus 2 - Peyton and Lydia.
This summer we also made many trips to Destin to the Rave theater to see their free movie. We saw "Ice Age 3," "Astroboy," "Planet 51," and "Hotel for Dogs." We went out for lunch and would then head down to the beach for some fun in the sun. Despite all the talk of the oil spill, we never missed a beat and never really saw any oil to speak of.
Playing on the splash pad and playground at Destin Commons

Conner, Brady, Katy, Emory and Aubry

We finished up our official week of summer with lots of swimming. Here are a couple of pics from the Carolina Baptist Church Kids End of Summer Splash!